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Introducion to Android
Starting With Eclipse and SDK
Android Architecture
Dalvik Virtual Machine  
Android Application Fundamental Components
Intent and Intent Types-Explicit Intent & Implicit Intents
What is DDMS ?
What is thread in java ?
Non Runnable States in Multithreading
Storage Option in Android
What is Static Member?
What is a Constructor in Object Oriented Programming?
Change Tabbar Text (title) dynamically in Android - a simple example
Using TabHost to create a simple Tabbar application - An Android Example
How to create a full screen activity in Android
How to align your TabHost at the bottom of the screen
What is the difference between Services, Thread and an AsyncTask in Android?
Android using Bundle for sharing variables
Android Emulator Shortcuts
Android JellyBean new features
Warning - No DNS Server found : Android
Read File Names From Assets To A ListView
Simple Gallery Application In Android
Android Get Current Time and Date
How to sign an android APK, a simplest way
What does Android Gingerbread mean?
Custom Toggle Button in ANDROID
Toggle button in ANDROID - An alternative to radio button
Delete A row in ListView with Animation
Load html file to WebView from assets in Android
Spannable String in Android - URL Span ,Clickable Span, Rich-Style Formatting of Textview .....
What is .dex extension in ANDROID ?
Android is a multitasking operating system -- Explanation
Thread Example n ANDROID -- Timer Thread Example
Starting With Eclipse and Android SDK or Configuring Android in Eclipse.
Display formatted date/time using String.format()
Faster Loading images in GridViews or ListViews in Android using Menory Caching, Complete implemenation with sample code.


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Spannable String in Android - URL Span ,Clickable Span, Rich-Style Formatting of Textview .....

See more Android Tutorials here....... Faster Loading images in GridViews or ListViews Spannable brings lots of possibility to TextView, includes displaying various appearance of a Text and onClick callbak. The SpannableString class allows you to easily format certain pieces which are called spans of a string, by applying CharacterStyle ie,color, font, ormake it a link . Here is an example where, explained how to use spannable string to give font size, color, linking a text via clickable span and through URL Span and to strike through the text. Lets go through the example : import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.SpannableString; import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod; import; import; import; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast;

Passing Images between Activities in Android

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Show and Resume Android Soft-Keyboard

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